Monday, October 5, 2020

Vacay needed

Good evening, 9:23pm Tired (Cool and dry outside) I need a vacation really bad, I stay so tired it's a shame. With this virtual learning I have the kids with me 24.7, no breaks. The back and forth between helping one child and the other at the same time is draining everyday. Waking up to migraines every morning isn't helping and looking at the computer screen for hours has made them worse. I just want to get on a plane, close my eyes for a long nap and wake up in Maldives or Santorini in Greece! I want to lounge and sip expensive champagne with strawberries. Receive a very relaxing massage to help my body relax. Preferably for Christmas, please! Lol Good night and God bless! T.D.

Sunday, October 4, 2020


Good morning, Today was the first day back in the church building since Covid19 came to town. My girls and I were looking forward to going, but what happens? YUP.. Migraine gets in the way, per usual! Soooo very annoying! We had to attend via Facebook Live. I had to just lay in a dark room and listen because I wasn't going to allow the migraine to keep me from getting the word of God. The Pastor spoke out of psalms 122 1-4. I was truly glad when he said we could go back into the house of the Lord. My physical body couldn't be in the building but my heart and spirit was there with the rest of the saints of God. Hoping to attend next week. That is the daily drama of my morning. God bless! T.D. ❤

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Virtual Learning

This virtual learning from home has taken a toll on the students and parents since it started in March of 2020. It has started back up again and it's no better, may be worse now. Last year the teachers posted assignments and the kids would log on, do them and turn them in before 11:59 pm. It made things a little easier because I was able to take the first part of the morning and help one of my daughters and the afternoon to help the other. Now they are both online most of the day from 8 am until about 3:40 pm. It's making it quite difficult to get things done around here. Cleaning and cooking and getting my husband ready for work each day. We barely have any time to have actual conversations because he has to rest and I have to get online for school with the kids. I have to wait until Saturdays to finally say, "Hello honey; how have you been?" I cannot wait until this Covid19 is out of commission so we can get back to real life!

Friday, November 22, 2019


Good morning,                                                          11/22/2019

          Can someone please explain to me how you are forced to pay for something when your vehicle wasn't involved in the accident? Some dude hit and run my mom's car and two of my kids were in the car with her. So we took the kids for a check up because they were complaining of pain. So instead of the crazy person who caused the injuries isn't accountable for the pain he caused??? My car insurance company has to take the hit when my vehicle had nothing to do with it? That makes no sense whatsoever!!! Really mad about this!

Sunday, February 3, 2019


Super Bowl Sunday
6:36 p.m.
Cool and dry outside
Mood: Tired

My little Munchkin isn’t feeling good, so I missed church again. The first two Sundays of January I had massive migraines so I missed church. Then my youngest son was sick the third weekend of January and then my oldest daughter the fourth Sunday. Now the first weekend of February my youngest daughter is sick! Uggghhhh! Maybe next weekend will be better and I can actually make it to church.  My baby was out of school on Thursday and Friday because she had a fever, headache and  tender throat. Praying she has a better week this week. 

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Pitiful.. Is this really the Human Race?

January 24, 2019
Thursday Morning
10:07 a.m.

        It is so sad to see how the human race has become; so cold and uncaring. Every time we turn on the news it's more and more killing and craziness. I know God is looking down and shaking his head in shame. We really need to do better people. 

Monday, December 17, 2018

Please Don't....

December 17, 2018
5:16 pm
Cold and dark outside

Season's Greetings Folks!
          I really can't stand when people do unkind things and try to justify their mess with some nonsense. If you want to do that, all well and good for you but please don't think I don't see or know what it really is. Folks always want to say something unkind and lowkey evil with a twist of casual nice... Please don't! I see right through that mess. Although I may entertain you by listening to you and letting you finish your spill like a telemarketer selling ill feelings, I am unbothered. Nothing you can say can change how I feel about me and how I love me! The Lord God himself, went to the cross for ME so that makes me pretty special. Folks who are lowkey miserable and unhappy within themselves want to bring negativity your way. Sorry boo, I don't do depressed or pity parties. God made me great, talented, kind, loving and intuitive. All the I love you's in the midst of the unkindness to my face or behind my back changes nothing about my joy level. I am kissed by God and my light will continue to shine in the midst of and in spite of the darkness you try to bring my way. You have known my worth since day one and it bothers you to the max because there is nothing you can say or do to change that. You can work to turn folks against me but truth always prevails, folks always tend to see me for who I am and not the fake portrait you may have painted for them. I have always been a person who doesn't need an entourage to hold me up or build me up. God does it all well and good by himself. My daddy told me I was a virtuous woman, heavenly and biological. Folks must be careful about digging ditches for others because the Lord has a way of making you fall into your own pit which you have dug for someone else. I do my best to uplift others and others do their best to bring me down. I am to strong for that.. try something else. Everyday may not be the greatest days but one thing I know for sure is trouble don't last always... this to shall pass. I appreciate my good days and my bad days because they are both ordained by God. I am thankful for life and grateful that I have the passion of Christ in my heart. Don't let nobody steal your joy, they didn't give it to you so they cannot take it away. To God be the glory!! So before you even think about trying to come for mine... Please Don't... because I can't be held responsible for what my Father will do to you. "You can't try to hurt a child of God and not expect God to come for you"  #HatersBeware #GodIsNotToBePlayedWith #LoveYourselfFlawsAndAll